Brazil leadership refuses to allow scientific truthseekers access to the Amazon Rainforest to uncover ancient secrets.
Every schoolboy and schoolgirl knows the tale of the Incan Empire. Stretching the western coast of South America, the Incans were advanced civilization who looked to the stars to calculate their calendar, divine signs, and other guideposts of the Empire. One question that has not been answered: what stopped the Incans, an unstoppable military, economic, and advanced scientific society, from venturing east into the heart of the jungle known now as the Amazon Rainforest?
The Incans created ziggurats eerily similar to those built in other regions of the world, such as Egypt, and throughout Asia. Before the coming of the Spanish Conquistadors and the diseases they brought, the Incans specifically avoiding delving deep into the Amazonian rainforest. No one questioned why, until now.
Satellite Imaging Shows Pre-Hispanic Settlements in the Rainforest
New satellite imagery reveals that ancient human activity in the Amazon was far more robust and wide-ranging than experts previously thought. The aerial surveys revealed the remains of dozens of geoglyphs—mysterious, geometric earthworks that may have been used during ritual ceremonies, or, alternatively, are the remains of heavy stones once set into the ground. In other words, the Amazonian Rainforest may have contained ziggurats like the Incans to the west. Why then, have we not heard of this ancient, clearly advanced Amazonian civilization? Where did these people go? Where are the stories of their history?
Brazil Refuses to Play Ball
“No Comment."
When Ace Diamond reached out to Brazilian governmental leaders, they were told they had no comment as to to the academics request to enter the deepest part of the rainforests to perform archaeological digs on these revealed sites.
While the ultimate conclusion should be determined by qualified academics and scientists, many "diamonds in the rough" posit that the the pyramids and ziggurats found around the world have some sort of extraterrestrial basis. If there is evidence that similar ziggurats existed in this previously unknown Amazonian civilizations that even the mighty Incan Empire was afraid of crossing, why are only these structures missing? What, or who, happened to these people? Seek the truth, diamonds, and report back!